Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Bret and Brady did their yearly pumpkin carving tonight!! Brady's pumpkin wishes this year included one that had a "surprise face" and one that was "scary"! Bret was wonderful and able to accomplish both!

Brady and Bret showing off their "surprise" pumpkin in 2008!
Brady proudly posing with his "surprise" and "scary" pumpkins in 2008!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Updated Pictures- Hopefully worth the wait!

Hello from the Brookins clan! We are still among the living- even though we have been neglectful of our blog over the past couple of months! Early New Years resolution is to keep it up!!! I will try to recap our past two months over the next couple of weeks, but figured you were all dying to see updated pics of the kids- here they are- taken today (10/27/08).

As you can tell Brady LOVES his baby brother!!! He can't love, hug, kiss and touch him enough every day! I hear, "Mama I just want to touch him" about 50 times a day!!!!

Here is our little Will!!! He is growing like a weed! At his two month appointment last week he weighed in at 11lb. 9oz (in the 71st percentile- much to our surprise after recalling that Brady was never above the 25th percentile until he was over two years old!!!)
Will is a great baby!!!! He is layed back and loves to watch his big brother Brady! He is smiling and trying to "talk" already. He continues to have the most beautiful big blue eyes (I ordered brown hair and blue eyes before he was born so he is keeping up his end of the deal so far!)

And here is the proud Big Brother Brady! Over the past two months, while we were away from blogging he worked on growing a mustache (ok- just hot cocoa- for now anyway!). He is doing great with little Will! He started preschool this fall two mornings a week and loves it! Dad cut his hair last week and gave him his first "big boy haircut" (mom still misses the curls!!!) He continues to be our little ball of energy!

We will update you on life again soon! Happy (early) Halloween!!!!